First, the weigh in: 181 lbs. That's up about 6 from my average. Not terrible, but considering I haven't been building much muscle, not great. I can definitely SEE it.
I started with the treadmill. At my peak I could do 6 miles without much stress - ha! I hat the 20 minute mark (2.5 miles) and was exhausted. I'm not sure if I'm still that sick, weak, or just plain out of shape, but it sucked. Bad.
After that, a rather feeble 10 minutes on the rowing machine, followed by some ab exercises. The one problem I have with the gym is that it takes me 30 minutes to warm up and at least an hour to go through my whole routine, so it's effectively just too long.
I need to get up earlier.
Multi Berry Smoothie
Roast Chicken
Beets (STILL)
Brown Rice with Goddess Dressing
Peanut Butter Cookie (thanks mihow!)
Baked Corn Chips and Pico de Gallo
Hummus and Brown Rise Crisps
Brown Rice Salad (Rice, Greens, Dried Fig, Dried Cranberry
you need a haircut! and I don't know how you can eat so many beets. I think they taste like dirt.
I can only do like 2 miles on the treadmill before I get totally booored.
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