Friday, January 11, 2008

Day 5.

If I don't keep up on eating, the headaches get unbearable. I had no idea how many calories I was taking in on my normal schedule - it's kind of nuts I'm not the size of a house.
Also, Kombucha is lovely, it really is, but it is NO substitute for beer. First of all, you can only drink one, TOPS, a day (even that threatens to turn your digestive tract into some sort of super-digestor...not good). Second, they're effin' expensive. Third, well, they're not beer, damnit.


Granola, Soy Yogurt and Dried Cranberries

Leftovers from Day 4 (Tempeh Ragout, et al)

Greens+ Energy bar

Bowl of Leftover Brown rice with Goddess Dressing
Beets (I've eaten so many beets over the past 24 hours that the entirety of my digestive tract is bright pink. AWESOME.)

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