Saturday, January 19, 2008

Day 12

The things that get to you are the things you never really even thought about. Just the ritual of making coffee in the morning was such a part of my routine that now I find myself late for work. Does that even make sense? I just have to do things way out of order now.

I failed this week on the exercise front - mostly because I've got this nagging cough and I'm just so fucking TIRED all the time. Keith thinks it's lack of carbs, so I've stepped up my rice intake.

It just gets boring, and I think that's part of the problem. I just run out of things to cook, and since I can't just cook a little of something, i end up eating the same thing three days in a row.

This point in the exercise (almost halfway) usually brings out one of 2 things: quitting or doubting. I'm definitely in the latter category. Health Month is great for the binge and purge, but it ain't exactly healthy. But like someone once said, I can do absolutes - it's the moderation where it gets a little fuzzy.


Berry Smoothie
Lara Bar (these have been a godsend)

Whole Wheat and Chicken Sausage deal

another Lara Bar (cocoa molé)

More Whole Wheat Chicken Sausage dealie

Movie Snacks (too many, BTW):
Baba Ganouj
Whole Wheat Pita Chips

Vegan Chocolate Cookie

oof. too much.

1 comment:

Aubrey said...

Not following the TRUE Health Month diet myself, but us SF-ers have taken on a sort of moderated version. (Or at least I have.) No alcohol, no refined carbs, no sugar and LORD is it boring. Totally relate to the "cooking takes up a ton of time" thing and while I'm digging my tea (and new infuser) being the only sober person watching football is getting old. OLD, I say. At least mine ends at the stroke of midnight on the 31st, so I, too, will be 'legally' enjoying alcohol during the Super Bowl. Good luck - sounds like you're doing great.