Thursday, January 3, 2008

Health Month '08! This's PHYSICAL.

Oh, lord. Health Month.

Well, here we go again. Last year, if any of you remember, I went into Health Month with both guns blazing. As one of the usually healthier participants, I figured it would be a regular fat-free vegan cake walk.

Oh, how wrong I was.

I hadn't realized how much certain habits had become routed in my general sanity. A cigarette at the bar, a beer after work - each of these things on their owwn is not a terrible thing to skip, but combined it added up to an entire upheaval of my day-to-day.

That, coupled with post-holiday blues and a slew of personal drama led me to be pretty fucking miserable. But I did it. I did it.

Now, Health Month '08 begins on Monday, and although last year sobered my expectations, I'm no less committed. In fact, this year I'm upping the ante: I'm going to add a slew of exercise to the routine. I'm going to monitor and publish my progress on Traineo. And I'm going to keep this blog up for the entertainment of all y'all.

But celibacy? Out.

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