Thursday, January 10, 2008

Day 3.

The headaches abated later in the day today. I think the thing I miss the most at first is the snacking...i'm a pretty hungry guy most days, and the absence of a late afternoon snack really hurts. Also, when I'm home I instinctively look for something to chew on. Freudian basis or no, that prospect is far less appealing when all you have is mulberries.


Cup of Green Tea
Odwalla bar (ew.)

Leftovers from Day 1 Dinner (Mustard Chicken et al.)

High Protein Peanut Butter Chocolate bar (which was green. Isn't peanut butter brown?)

Leftovers from Day 2 Dinner (Whole Wheat pasta, et al.)

Some have complained of boredom - I can relate. Lucky for me, work has been busy enough and I have acres of Lost episodes to watch before the 31st. The only snag I see in this whole Health Month clause is the Superbowl occurring on Feb. 3. Brown, I know you could give half a shit about football, but if it gets you out of this drinkless purgatory 4 days early....


Unknown said...

superbowl? I got a band of horses show that night! I may have to take a second amnesty day and extend health month until the 8th.

Unknown said...

superbowl? I got a band of horses show that night! I may have to take a second amnesty day and extend health month until the 8th. or just cash it in a couple days early. we'll see how I feel in early feb.